Tara Spielberger

Photographer /Editor


I was born and raised in Arizona.  I have two little girls, River and Hazel, who inspire me to follow my heart, and prove to me everyday that patience is a virtue.

As a kid, I never had much access to a "real" camera, so I spent most of my time taking pictures with disposables and even became addicted to the "I-Zone" polaroid camera for a little while. I would try to catch candids of my friends hanging out after school, and worked hard to get artistic photos with no ability to work aperture or focus.

After high school, I moved in with a girl equally addicted to picture-taking, only she had a real camera. . .  In the year we spent living together, we must have taken and printed over a thousand photos.

I have always loved taking pictures, and with the birth of my children and the increasing persistence of the digital age, I have become immersed in photography and the art of transforming beautiful moments into memories that will last a life time.